Get Off Your Cell Phone...

and get hours back in your week! Say goodbye to distractions and hello to being more productive and creating time and space to spend on the things that matter most!

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    “Kerri is a powerhouse. As a mom, wife, professional AND a coach, she really knows what it takes to stay organized, manage time effectively, and continue to make forward progress, while also keeping your sanity. She is so down to earth and with her help and encouragement I am able to stay on track with my personal goals at home and in my business.”

    Rebecca Brooks


    As a working mom, your time is incredibly valuable. This guide will help you:

    • Boost Productivity: Get more done by minimizing unnecessary distractions.
    • Enhance Family Time: Be fully present with your loved ones without the interruption of your phone.
    • Improve Mental Health: Reduce stress and anxiety by creating a healthier relationship with your digital devices.
    • Find Balance: Learn to prioritize what's truly important and make time for yourself.

    What Inside:

    • Effective Boundary-Setting Techniques: Learn how to establish firm, healthy limits with your phone usage.
    • Time-Saving Hacks: Discover simple tips to reduce screen time and gain precious hours back in your day.
    • Mindfulness Practices: Find out how to stay present and focused on what truly matters.
    • Stress Reduction Tips: Reduce the overwhelm and anxiety caused by constant digital distractions.